Ownership Distribution upon Sectors by Nationality Classification

Ownership Distribution upon Sectors by Nationality Classification as of 20-02-2025
No. of Registers : 234
Sector Nationality Shareholders Securities Total Value
No. % No. % Amount in JOD %
Banking Jordanian 67,802 87.400 1,581,717,306 51.114 3,785,206,049.10 45.866
Arab 8,441 10.881 1,281,973,786 41.428 3,819,500,358.95 46.281
Foreign 1,334 1.720 230,801,030 7.458 648,074,472.29 7.853
Total Banking 77,577 100 3,094,492,122 100 8,252,780,880.34 100
Insurance Jordanian 11,804 94.834 174,164,012 67.170 195,414,186.04 64.578
Arab 557 4.475 71,640,162 27.629 85,934,845.76 28.399
Foreign 86 0.691 13,486,047 5.201 21,253,963.82 7.024
Total Insurance 12,447 100 259,290,221 100 302,602,995.62 100
Services Jordanian 290,758 95.559 2,654,482,859 88.681 4,482,423,960.29 92.014
Arab 12,396 4.074 278,887,665 9.317 294,008,878.83 6.035
Foreign 1,117 0.367 59,910,687 2.002 95,029,997.39 1.951
Total Services 304,271 100 2,993,281,211 100 4,871,462,836.51 100
Industry Jordanian 143,956 91.145 732,228,712 64.157 3,810,131,146.87 49.240
Arab 12,440 7.876 252,096,557 22.089 1,960,822,322.87 25.340
Foreign 1,545 0.978 156,976,362 13.754 1,966,951,422.88 25.420
Total Industry 157,941 100 1,141,301,631 100 7,737,904,892.62 100
All Sectors Jordanian 514,320 93.134 5,142,592,889 68.674 12,273,175,342.30 57.989
Arab 33,834 6.127 1,884,598,170 25.167 6,160,266,406.41 29.106
Foreign 4,082 0.739 461,174,126 6.159 2,731,309,856.38 12.905
Grand Total 552,236 100 7,488,365,185 100 21,164,751,605.09 100
Last update Thursday on 20-02-2025 at 15:53:42