Securities Central Operation Registry Processing Information Online 
The SDC has undertaken a number of technical, strategic, and administrative initiatives to build and strengthen its infrastructure, implement world-class state-of-the-art systems and achieve its goal of true DVP.
The SDC developed a system named the
“Securities Central Operation Registry Processing & Information Online (SCORPIO)®” System.
SCORPIO, an SDC-designed and implemented system, is a bilingual system that is a complete solution for the registration, deposit, safe-keeping and transfer of securities ownership. SCORPIO consists of a number of systems and modules for registration, depository, clearing and settlement also provides a mechanism for risk management and surveillance of clearing and settlement. Its modules include brokers, issuers, custodian, surveillance and auditing, pledge, lien and website services systems, which taken together enable the SDC to provide investors with a wide range of services.
The SDC technology and systems meet the international standards of IOSCO's Technical Committee, the Bank for International Settlement's Committee on Payment & Settlement Systems (CPSS), the Group of 30, the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) and the International Securities Services Association (ISSA) and International Federation of Stock Exchanges (FIBV).
SCORPIO Systems and Functions