Security and Continuity of Systems Business

Security and Continuity of Systems Business

Given the importance of the fact that the SDC performs the responsibilities assigned to it by virtue of the Securities Law under any circumstances, in addition to the responsibility of safekeeping all the SDC’s information and data, protecting them continuously, retrieving them speedily, and enabling SDC’s members to perform their duties related to the SDC in emergency cases, and in accordance with international standards and requirements, in this regard, the SDC worked on implementing Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan project, which included developing and updating the infrastructure of the main site of SDC located in the Capital Market Building, and the Business Continuity Site, in addition to build Disaster Recovery Site. Pursuant to the SDC’s procedures, in risk management field, the SDC conducts the necessary updates continuously on the three sites.

The SDC also adopted a set of protection and central monitoring systems in order to protect the intranet and the workstations, either main servers or personnel computers according to the requirements of the international standards and best practices in order to achieve security, continuity of business operations, and maintain market readiness in emergency cases.


