Investors Registers Analysis

Ownership Analysis in the Registers as of 05-02-2025
No. of Registers : 234
  Jordanian Arab Foreign Total
Deposited Shareholders
Shareholders 456,879 29,076 3,768 489,723
Investors 227,189 17,118 2,188 246,495
Accounts 251,408 18,665 2,363 272,436
Securities 5,127,155,021 1,870,076,532 459,583,638 7,456,815,191
Total Value 12,270,961,103.81 6,143,666,431.56 2,739,112,226.40 21,153,739,761.77
Non Deposited Shareholders
Shareholders 58,109 4,812 312 63,233
Securities 12,875,959 14,803,378 1,470,657 29,149,994
Total Value 29,840,119.35 62,362,215.21 14,991,877.37 107,194,211.93
Total Shareholders
Shareholders 514,988 33,888 4,080 552,956
Securities 5,140,030,980 1,884,879,910 461,054,295 7,485,965,185
Total Value 12,300,801,223.16 6,206,028,646.77 2,754,104,103.77 21,260,933,973.70
Last update Wednesday on 05-02-2025 at 15:36:24