Investors Registers Analysis

Ownership Analysis in the Registers as of 04-02-2025
No. of Registers : 234
  Jordanian Arab Foreign Total
Deposited Shareholders
Shareholders 456,745 29,093 3,767 489,605
Investors 227,165 17,123 2,188 246,476
Accounts 251,396 18,670 2,363 272,429
Securities 5,127,083,240 1,870,161,593 459,569,876 7,456,814,709
Total Value 12,311,708,879.63 6,157,921,334.36 2,747,619,225.05 21,217,249,439.04
Non Deposited Shareholders
Shareholders 58,113 4,812 312 63,237
Securities 12,876,784 14,803,035 1,470,657 29,150,476
Total Value 30,049,467.30 62,909,836.53 15,054,518.04 108,013,821.87
Total Shareholders
Shareholders 514,858 33,905 4,079 552,842
Securities 5,139,960,024 1,884,964,628 461,040,533 7,485,965,185
Total Value 12,341,758,346.93 6,220,831,170.89 2,762,673,743.09 21,325,263,260.91
Last update Tuesday on 04-02-2025 at 15:38:24