Freezing Securities

The owner of the security or his legal representative has the right to freeze the deposited securities owned by him to prevent any disposal of these securities.

Persons benefiting from the service

Those who are dealing in securities.

Conditions of obtaining the service
  1. The ivestor'shares must be free and deposited in the central registry at the SDC.
  2. The presence of the owner of the securities, his legal representative, or the person authorized to sign on behalf of the legal person Freezing Securities Form in front of the authorized employee at the SDC
Required Documents


  1. The identification documents
  2. In case that there is a legal representative, the power of attorney must fulfill the conditions for its accreditation with the SDC.
  1. The owner of the security or his legal representative or the person authorized to act on behalf of the legal person submit the form of securities freezing.
  2. The SDC verifies that there is a free balance registered in the name of the concerned person in the central register that allows the freezing process to be carried out.
  3. The concerned employee collects the fees for executing the transaction.
  4. Executing the process of freezing securities by the SDC.
  5. Printing the freezing notice and handed it to the owner of securities.
Estimated Time

30 minutes.


Headquarter of the SDC.

Partner institutions


Estimated Fees

The SDC shall collect a determined commission which is (5) JOD for each security to be freezed.
