security Information

Security No. 141043 Security Name Arab Potash
Reuter Code APOT ISIN JO4104311017
CFI Code
E =  Equities  
S =  Shares  
V =  Voting  
U =  Free  
F =  Fully Paid  
R =  Registered  
Security Type Share Security Category Common Share Security Status Traded
Securities 83,317,500 Nominal Value 1.00 Treasury Shares 0
Traded Securities 83,317,500 Trading Currency Jordanian Dinar
Close Price 25.50 Close Price Date 25-07-2024
Trade Information for Thursday, 25-07-2024
Securities No. of Contracts Market Value No. of Brokers No. of Clients
Buy Sell Trades Buy Sell Clients
20 2 510.00 1 2 3 1 2 3
    10 Days   
    12 Months   
    Average Price   
   Close Price   
Share Book Nationality Analysis
Nationality Shareholders Securities
Deposited Non-Deposited Total Deposited Non-deposited Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Deposited Share Book Category & Nationality Analysis
Investor Category Jordanian Arab Foreign Total
Shareholders Securities Shareholders Securities Shareholders Securities Shareholders Securities
Individuals 1,641 515,285 201 57,466 21 8,839 1,863 581,590
Companies 28 22,210,579 5 20,021,230 4 23,302,628 37 65,534,437
Mutual Funds 6 94,865 0 0 3 27,035 9 121,900
Institutions 3 8,710,096 0 0 0 0 3 8,710,096
Governments 1 620,842 6 7,730,395 0 0 7 8,351,237
total 1,679 32,151,667 212 27,809,091 28 23,338,502 1,919 83,299,260
Major Investors Who Own More Than 1%
Serial Investor Name Nationality %
1 Man Jia Industrial Development Limited Chinese 27.959
2 شركة ادارة الاستثمارات الحكومية Jordanian 26.144
3 الشركة العربية للتعدين Joint Arab 19.964
4 المؤسسة العامة للضمان الاجتماعي Jordanian 10.418
5 الحكومة العراقية Iraqi 4.706
6 الشركة الليبية للاستثمارات الخارجية Libyan 4.064
7 الهيئة العامة للاستثمار Kuwaiti 3.944
Last update Thursday on 25-07-2024 at 15:25:04