SDC’s New Website (


Ref. : 8/11/6028
Date: 02/12/2012


Memo No.


Members of the Securities Depository Center

Subject: SDC’s New Website

On the lookout for building up communication channels with members of public shareholding companies, brokers and custodians, in addition to the investors, Jordanian securities dealers, and interested audience at large, the SDC has updated and redesigned its website on the Internet.

The new website offers further variety of data and information, and various services for all its members and other stakeholders. It also provides fast and user-friendly access to the information. All website pages have been redesigned to facilitate navigation and browsing at data in accordance with the relevant international technical standards which contributes positively in enhancing performance and efficiency.

The new website is launched now on the address (, taking in consideration that the current SDC’s website is still available for the time being at the address (

Thus, we are pleased to receive your comments or suggestions on e-mail ( concerning the new website and we assure you it will be the focus of our attention.

We thank you for your cooperation, and look forward to serve you best.

Samir Jaradat
Chief Executive Officer


