Joining the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)


Ref. :8/11/1653
Date: 09/04/2015

Memo No.

Dear General Manager of the Operating Banks in the Kingdom,

Subject: Joining the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT)

Please be informed that the SDC has joined the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT). Accordingly, the SDC in cooperation with the Central Bank of Jordan will conduct the necessary tests before the go-live date. These tests will ensure the safety of actions taken to transfer the amounts owed to the financial brokers’ accounts at their banks for the purposes of settlement the values of securities as of Sunday 12/04/2015 until the start of the actual application of the system and you will be informed later of that date.

Accordingly, we hope you to kindly instruct those who have to cooperate with the SDC to complete the examination process of the system on the test environment in coordination with the Central Bank of Jordan noted that sending and receiving the settlement remittances will be on the channel belonging to the SDC for the purposes of examination which is SEDCJOA0.

In case of any queries or comments, please call phone (065672788), extensions 2402 -2407 - 2601- 2603 -2700.

Kind Regards,

"Mohammed Alamin" Abuquora
Chief Executive Officer