Security type
Investment Units

The broker may charge fees less than the minimum stated above for shares for a single trade (buying or selling of one security in one day for a single client) which is over (100,000) one hundred thousand Jordanian Dinars and subject to this fee not being less than (0.002) two Dinars for each thousand Dinars.

Trading fees
Institution      Shares & Investment Units  Bonds Islamic Sukuk
JSC 0.0005 0.0005 0.0005
ASE 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001
SDC 0.0004 0.0001 0.0001

Fees above are calculated based on the market value and from each party of the trade.

Yes, and under the law of tax returns, records, documents and profit rates for the year 2015, where the article 21 stipulates the following:

A-For the purposes of calculating income tax on the profits of trading in shares from a natural person, a general partnership company, a limited partnership company, and a non-resident person, a percentage (0.08%) of the value of the sale of shares is approved by both the seller and the buyer for each sale.

B-Financial brokerage companies are obligated to deduct the tax referred to in Paragraph (A) of this Article from those involved in buying and selling shares, collecting it and supplying it to the Department within the next day of the sale process.

C-The withholding tax according to the provisions of Paragraph (B) of this Article is considered final for the entities referred to in Paragraph (A) thereof.

(0.0001) One per ten thousand of the market value of the contract and from one party with a minimum of (250) two hundred and fifty fils.

(0.0014) Fourteen per ten thousand of the market value and from each party of the contract with a minimum of (1) one Dinar for each party.

(0.0001) One per ten thousand of the market value and from each party of the contract with a minimum of (1) one Dinar for each party.

The market value is calculated based on the last closing price of the security or the agreed upon price whichever is higher. In case where there is no closing price, the market value is calculated based on the nominal value of the security or the agreed upon price whichever is higher.

Yes, the Internal By-Law of the Securities Depository Center’s Proceeds specifies all the fees that the SDC collects.

  • Inheritance transfers.
  • Waqf of securities.
  • Wills in securities.
  • Transfers that occur in accordance with the Law of the Government’s Acquisition of Monies that Reach Limitation.
  • Transfers in accordance with decisions of courts and execution departments.

(0.0015) Fifteen per ten thousand of the market value and from one party with a minimum of (250) two hundred and fifty fils.

  1. Transfers in accordance with the JSC's decisions.
  2. Transfers that occur between the Founders of an Issuer in accordance with the relevant Laws and/or authorities decisions during the period of lock-up of the founding shares.

(0.0014) Fourteen per ten thousand of the market value and from each party of the contract with a minimum of (1) one Dinar for each party or the agreed upon price whichever is higher.

  1. Family transfers.
  2. Donations.
  3. Transfers for the purpose of dividing joint ownership of securities.

(0.002) Two per one thousand of the market value and from one party with a minimum of (250) two hundred and fifty fils.

No fee is collected for releasing a pledge from securities.

(5) Five Dinars if the statement is in soft copy and (250) two hundred and fifty fils for each page and with a minimum of (5) five Dinars if the issuer is provided with a statement of the owners of securities in hard copy. Noting that the SDC provides the issuer with a statement of the owners of its securities for free once a year.
