Online Account Viewing System


Ref. :8/11/3020
Date: 17/04/2014

Memo No.


Members of SDC of Brokers
Dear General Manager,

Subject: Online Account Viewing System

As the SDC is completing updating and developing its website project, please be informed that the SDC has updated the” online account viewing system”. These updates include the following:
1. New design for the system and reports.
2. Streamlined system procedures.
3. Improving the safety and protection standards of the system.
4. Adding “Menu” list that includes all investor’s accounts maintained by his concerned broker. Which enabling the investor to move smoothly between his accounts
5. The possibility of browsing the website through the following well-known browsers (Google Chrome, IE, FireFox).
Therefore, please inform all investors, owners of accounts, about the updates that have been occurred on the system, which enabling them to follow up their portfolios and view deposited securities’ balances and all the transactions executed thereto easily.

Kind Regards 

Khalil Naser
/Chief Executive Officer
