Completion of the Share Capital Increase of the Middle East Complex For Engineering, Electronics & Heavy Industries Co.


Ref. 1649/2022
Date: 02/03/2022 

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians 

Dear General Manager, 


Subject: Completion of the Share Capital Increase of the Middle East Complex For Engineering, Electronics & Heavy Industries Co.


Kindly be informed that the SDC has completed the process of registering the share capital increase of (9,636,545) shares of the Middle East Complex For Engineering, Electronics & Heavy Industries Company on Wednesday 02/03/2022.

The share capital increase was performed through allocating these shares to the Privatization Holding Company (Jordan), provided that these shares are under lock-up for one year from the completion date of the issuance procedures at the JSC.

Thereby, the SDC record for the Capital of the Middle East Complex For Engineering, Electronics & Heavy Industries Company indicates the following:

# Company Name No. of shares increased Registered Share Capital
Company No.
1. Middle East Complex For Engineering, Electronics & Heavy Industries Co. 9,636,545 54,559,665 JO4109711013 141097

Kind Regards, 

Jamal Jallab

Acting Chief Executive Officer  
