The SDC participates in the FEAS Meetings

The Securities Depository Center, represented by the Director of the Registration Department, Mr. Najd Al-Najdawi, participated in the meetings of the Federation of European and Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS) that was held in Samarkand - Uzbekistan during the period 17-20/04/2024. The meeting aims to bring together experts from around the world in capital markets, stock exchanges, banks, regulatory bodies, investment companies and others to discuss the latest developments and opportunities in the capital markets. Al-Najdawi also participated in the Federation Conference (ConFEAS), which discussed many topics related to the role of capital market infrastructure in the economy and its structuring, the importance of the participation of the relevant institutions in this structuring and defining their roles and responsibilities, and the role of exchanges in promoting economic growth and discussing mechanisms for cooperation between exchanges globally to find standard practices, the legislative framework, and technological matters to create a strong financial system that combines these considerations. Post-trading services were also discussed to include securities custody, clearing and settlement, and risk management in addition to legislation amendments on its bylaws, and the importance of using artificial intelligence in capital markets was also discussed.