Investor Identification on the Securities Depository Center’s Database Form

For Natural & Judicial Persons
Investor Type
ID Type

Official Stamp for Judicial Entities

Other Nationality (If Applicable)
For Natural Persons
Agency Information
Agency Type

I, the signatory above, acknowledge that the data and information stated above are correct, complete and accurate and I assume the full responsibility arising therefrom without holding the Securities Depository Center responsible for the invalidity, inaccuracy and/or incompleteness of the said data and information.

For Securities Depository Center’s Use
Operation Name Signature Date

Important Notice:

  1.  All information and data should be filled accurately and clearly.
  2.  In cases where there is an agent, the power of attorney issued by the competent authorities shall be attached, and if it is issued outside the Kingdom, it shall be duly certified.
  3.  The following valid identification documents must be attached to this form:

Natural Persons:

- For Jordanians: Passport, Family Book, or Identity Card issued by the Civil Status and Passport Department, provided that it contains the National Number.

- For Non-Jordanians: Passport.

Judicial Entities:

- For Jordanians: Registration Certificate at the official competent authorities.

- For non-Jordanians: Certificate of registration, duly certified.

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