Stage 8: Developing the Settlement Cycle by allowing the Custodians to settle the trading contracts related to their clients directly through the SDC


On 01/10/2017, the SDC implemented the new development to the settlement cycle, including the involvement of the custodians through settling the trades of their clients directly with the SDC, this project comes from the SDC's direction towards the implementation of international standards and best practices in the field of settlement of the securities' values. To achieve that, the SDC creates a settlement contract, which is a new contract created for the associated trading contract where one party of the contract is a custody account. The custodian has the option to accept or reject the settlement contract through the custodian system during the period specified in the instructions, otherwise, the contract is considered rejected.

The custodian's acceptance of the settlement contract means that his contract is settled with the associated trading contract between the custodian and the SDC. If the custodian rejects the settlement contract, the concerned broker is obliged to settle the trading contract with the SDC. In every trading day, the SDC calculates the net amount that the custodian must pay or receive by subtracting the total amount of selling settlement contracts from the total amount of buying settlement contracts for that trading day
