Launching of "Electronic Portfolio" Service


Ref. :1/2/4321
Date: 30/09/2018

Memo No.

Members of SDC of Brokers and Custodians
Dear General Manager,

Subject: Launching of "Electronic Portfolio" Service

Derived from the SDC’s concern to provide the highest level of services to investors, the SDC developed the “e-portfolio” service to enable the investor in public shareholding companies to have permanent and continuous access to their portfolios of Jordanian securities. This service can be accessed electronically through the SDC’s website, where the investor can view the following:
The investor's information and personal data.
Securities’ accounts maintained with brokers and custodians.
The investor's balances of securities which is updated daily.
Statements of securities’ accounts showing all transactions executed on the investor’s securities accounts, including purchases, sales, capital increase or decrease, etc.
The service will be activated as of Monday 01/10/2018. Therefore, please inform your clients that the SDC has developed “e-portfolio” service which will enable them follow up their investments in securities and urge them to refer to the SDC to obtain their username and password. It is worth noting that the online account viewing service will be stopped by 31/12/2018.

Kind Regards 

Khalil Naser
Chief Executive Officer

Attachment: E-portfolio Subscribtion Form
