security Information

Security No. 131265 Security Name Al-tahdith For Real Estate Investments
Reuter Code THDI ISIN JO3126511018
CFI Code
E =  Equities  
S =  Shares  
V =  Voting  
T =  Restrictions  
F =  Fully Paid  
R =  Registered  
Security Type Share Security Category Common Share Security Status Traded
Securities 2,300,000 Nominal Value 1.00 Treasury Shares 0
Traded Securities 2,300,000 Trading Currency Jordanian Dinar
Close Price 0.83 Close Price Date 25-07-2024
Trade Information for Thursday, 25-07-2024
Securities No. of Contracts Market Value No. of Brokers No. of Clients
Buy Sell Trades Buy Sell Clients
5,700 18 4,627.74 6 6 10 10 6 16
    10 Days   
    12 Months   
    Average Price   
   Close Price   
Share Book Nationality Analysis
Nationality Shareholders Securities
Deposited Non-Deposited Total Deposited Non-deposited Total
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Deposited Share Book Category & Nationality Analysis
Investor Category Jordanian Arab Foreign Total
Shareholders Securities Shareholders Securities Shareholders Securities Shareholders Securities
Individuals 301 1,440,250 8 33,062 0 0 309 1,473,312
Companies 9 762,388 2 64,300 0 0 11 826,688
total 310 2,202,638 10 97,362 0 0 320 2,300,000
Major Investors Who Own More Than 1%
Serial Investor Name Nationality %
1 عاطف سليمان حسن العقاربه Jordanian 14.689
2 هيثم عبد الله عبد الحليم ابو خديجه Jordanian 10.793
3 الشركة العقارية الاردنية للتنمية Jordanian 8.961
4 الشركة الدولية للاستثمارات الطبية Jordanian 8.826
5 شركة هامان العقارية Jordanian 8.684
6 يوسف احمد سعيد قيسيه Jordanian 5.369
7 شركة يوسف احمد سعيد واخوانه التجاريه Jordanian 3.913
8 شركة لوتس للاستثمارات المالية Palestinian 2.791
9 سامر منصور احمد الكايد Jordanian 2.410
10 محمد احمد امين شقره Jordanian 1.848
11 احمد عبد الله عبد الحليم ابو خديجه Jordanian 1.848
12 شركة سامي شريم واولاده Jordanian 1.245
13 محمد اكرم احمد درابكه Jordanian 1.001
Last update Thursday on 25-07-2024 at 15:25:04