Organizational Structure

The SDC's governance structure consists of a five member board of directors and the Chief Executive Officer of the SDC. Two members of the SDC's Board of Directors are elected by the SDC General Assembly and three members are appointed by the JSC. The Board serves for a term of three years. The daily management and operations of the SDC are the responsibility of the SDC's Chief Executive Officer.




The center consists of ten departments, namely:


1Registration Department

The Registration Department takes the necessary measures for the admission of a new member (public shareholding companies, brokers, and custodians) to the SDC and ensures the completion of the documentation required for that purpose. It also registers securities and opens accounts on the SDC systems for that purpose. The Department also conducts the necessary measures to deposit securities at the SDC and execute corporate actions. The Department is divided into two sections: Members Section, and Securities Section.

2Operations Department

The Operations Department executes the process of clearing and settlement of the trading contracts executed through the Amman Stock Exchange which is represented by the delivery of sold securities against payment of funds, impose and release ownership restrictions (pledge, lien and freeze) to deposited securities. The Department is divided into two sections: Clearing & Settlement Section, and Ownership Restrictions Section.

3Investor Affairs Department

Investor Affairs Department The Department of Investor Affairs took over the operation of the transfer of the ownership of securities excluded from trading and transfers of non-traded securities, and managing and organizing the SDC’s relationship with the public and executing all transactions of issuing ownership notices of deposited securities and statements of the securities accounts in addition to provide services for updating data, subscribing to electronic services, reception, and answering all public inquiries. The Department is divided into two sections: Transfers Section and Investors Services Section.

4Financial & Administration Department

The Financial & Administration Department is responsible for all the SDC’s human resources and financial affairs; in addition to providing the administrative support services necessary for the SDC’s operations and organization. The Financial & Administration Department is divided into three sections: Human Resources Section, Financial Affairs Section, and Administrative Support Services Section that includes three divisions: Purchases and Supplies, Bureau, and Transport.

5Legal Department

The Legal Department is concerned with providing legal consultation and studies, preparing drafts of laws, regulations, and instructions and giving recommendations about necessary legislative amendments, drafting agreements, contracts and MOUs which are held by SDC with others, and following up legal affairs, including adopting official documents according to the legal requirements, and follows up cases in which the SDC is a party thereto. The Department is divided into two sections: Legal Studies and Consultations Section and Follow-up and Implementation Section.

6Research Department

The Research Department prepares studies and research papers and provides information, data and statistics related to the SDC’s activities. It also follows up the SDC’s relations with external institutions and the development of other central securities depositories to establish cooperation relations with them. This department also develops the SDC’s organizational structure, prepares and develops its strategic plan, and prepares the annual institutional development plan; in addition to documenting all the SDC’s operations, procedures, and services and setting up and applying the methodology of knowledge management, the Research Department is divided into two sections: Studies & External Relations Section, and Institutional Development Section

7Information Technology Department

The Information Technology Department manages, maintains, and develops the SDC’s systems, database, and software in addition to internal and external communication network issues. It also provides technical support services for the SDC's departments and all SDC's members. The Information Technology Department is divided into two sections: Systems & Databases Section, and Communication & Technical Support Section.

8Department of Systems and Electronic Services Development

Systems and Electronic Services Development Department undertakes the tasks of developing and programming the SDC’s electronic system(SCORPIO) and its subsystems, as well as the SDC’s supporting systems, electronic services and applications, and the SDC’s website, in addition to preparing the necessary technical studies for electronic systems and e-services and completing the procedures and inspections necessary to ensure the quality. The department is divided into two sections: Information Systems and Electronic Services Section and the Research and Quality Assurance Section

9Risk Management Unit

The Risk Management Unit is concerned with preparing and developing risk management policies and procedures related to all financial, administrative, operational, technical, and informational affairs of the SDC and determining mechanisms for following up on their implementation. Establishing procedures for granting permissions to use all electronic systems and applications used in the SDC, and periodically reviewing the permissions granted to all users in accordance with functional requirements. In addition to developing and implementing an information security system, and determining technical, physical and procedural controls.

10Internal Audit Department

Internal Audit Department verifies that measures and actions carried out by the SDC departments have been in accordance with the applicable legal frameworks, and as it is in the laws, regulations and instructions, the department is divided into two sections: Administrative & Financial Audit Section, and Technical Audit Section.
